
Showing posts from August, 2010

New template configuration

Templates for email and web pages also now have their own menu item, under "Conferences" and are shown on a less cluttered page.

New track configuration

Since the track configuration page had grown unwieldy, the track configuration has now been split into several smaller parts, e.g., for PDF parameters and review-related properties. Tracks also got promoted to the "Conference" menu. Suggestions for improvements in usability of this new feature are appreciated.

Keep review manuscripts

Based on a suggestion by Tom Pfeifer, EDAS now keeps review and final manuscripts separate, i.e., the review manuscript is kept when the author submits the final manuscript. This will allow comparing the revised with the original manuscript. The conference program lists the stamped manuscript, if available; if not, it links to the final manuscript and, if that's unavailable, to the review manuscript.