
Showing posts from 2017

Listing reviews with status

You can now list the papers having reviews of a particular status, e.g., to quickly determine which papers have reviews assigned where the reviewers have not yet been notified. Links to the new function are available from the ' Notify reviewers ' table and the 'Review assignment and completion summary'. Assigned, but not notified, reviews are now also available through a separate column in the ' List all papers ' table.

Copying track parameters

Tracks have lots of configuration options. You can now copy those settings, including for files, from other tracks for the same conference or one of the tracks from the model conference that was used to create the conference. Usually, this is not necessary since the model conference is already used to create the tracks, but sometimes settings get lost after changes, so this new function provides a way to recover the model settings. (Deadlines are not copied if the model track is from another conference.) The function is accessed using the double-rectangle icon next to the track name:

Flagging paper on paper page

Chairs and track chairs can now see a flag icon on each paper page. If filled (black), the paper has been flagged, e.g., for messages. If white, it's not. Clicking on the flag toggles between flagged and not flagged.

Manuscript versions

EDAS keeps versions of the review and final manuscripts for about 6 months. They are accessible via the small history (reverse clock)  icon next to the file modification date. This also allows recovering files that were accidentally deleted. Older versions of review papers have been kept for a few months; final papers are versioned as of today. (Versions of other manuscript-related files, such as extended abstract, are not kept.) The versions are accessible to the author and chairs.

Checking accepted papers

The menu option Papers:Show accepted paper status displays a summary of the accepted papers, e.g., whether files have been submitted, whether copyright forms have been filed, whether all papers have been assigned to sessions and whether any papers have been excluded from the proceedings either individually or by category. This function is meant to make it easy to spot if tracks are likely to cause problems when producing the proceedings, e.g., are likely to miss papers.

Making files available to registered attendees by event

You can now make conference files accessible only to attendees who have registered for one of the list of events configured for the file. For example, you might make a tutorial slidedeck available only to those who have registered for the tutorial rather than all attendees.

CD-ROMs fading

We have not received a request for creating conference CD-ROMs in quite a while, so we're removing the option from various EDAS pages. If your conference wants CDs for some reason, we can still help you. (Sorry, we have not figured out how to put proceedings on vinyl yet.) In addition to proceedings on USB flash drives, conferences increasingly use the option of downloading proceedings as zip files or having attendees download papers directly from the program page. We can restrict access to attendees, if the conference uses EDAS for registration, or by password. The zip file can also be password-protected and downloads can be restricted to a date range. We keep track of zip file download statistics, too. Flash drive proceedings are also slowly fading in popularity, as they seem to mainly add to clutter in drawers and e-waste, but they are still a good branding opportunity and a decent option if conference Wi-Fi connectivity is spotty. We can supply various flash disk sizes, beyon